Wednesday, July 28, 2010


You probably know cortex

I remember I read something about it a few weeks ago, but I wasn't really aware of what could I do with it (since I'm not a python/c++ guy). Well, today I was reading a bit more and suddenly I feel like I need to understand that stuff.

After downloading the code and adding a few more devel packages (or adding the existing ones to the path) I finally got the stuff compiled.

Now, after loading the plugin, I try to do the examples but seems like either those examples are old or the cortex code isn't ready for the changes in maya 2011. I feel a bit like when I tried to use liquid a few years ago (yes, *years*).

So, if you happen to understand a bit more on IECoreMaya and its examples, I'd be interested in some help :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

dnPtcViewerNode - Maya2011 Linux

Usando el codigo de Lorenzo, aqui el plugin compilado para Maya 2011 Linux x64:

Plugin para visualizar point clouds en Maya: por double negative.

Aqui con algunos ajustes para compilarlo con 3delight :

En este thread se habla un poco del proceso:

Sunday, July 25, 2010

MayaMan 3.0.00

MayaMan translates your Maya scene into RenderMan RIB format, and your materials into RenderMan shaders. To read more about MayaMan, go to:

Included in this release is a mayaman build for maya 2011 on linux64 as well as a maya 2010 build for win32 and linux64.
Download it and read the release notes for more info... the list is huge.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Python 4 Kids

Es hora de retomar Python gracias a un link que encontre por alli. Ya lo habia intentado antes (para comprimir exr de mental ray), pero nada serio...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sitex AIR 10.0 Released

July 2010 - SiTex Graphics Celebrates 10 years with AIR 10
  • 64-bit Linux Support
  • Unlimited Threading
  • Stereo Rendering
  • Spectral Colors
  • Physical Light Sources
  • User-defined Structures in the Shading Language
  • Outline Export as Vectors
  • And more...