I'll quote Paolo Berto here:
Dear micropolygon shufflers.
some awesome news from Jupiter:
* AtomKraft/Nuke 1.1 has been released today.
Despite the small increment in the numbering this is a major release, with new features, huge performance improvement and lots of fixes. Please check the full version release notes for more details.
* The highly anticipated Free-as-in-BeerTM AtomKraft/Nuke 1.1 free version has been released too!
This special free version has an embedded licensing, just download, plug & play.
* We have now a new product oriented website with full info & access to many (support) resources:
One more thing: it's been emotional.
Let us know what you think & keep pushing pixels down the pipeline!
Best Regards,
Paolo & the AtomKraft Team!
paolo berto
/*jupiter jazz*/ — visual research
Has been a slow month, right? But this deserved the new post. I am just waiting a few more days to update the blog, so stay tuned.